1.  Run SharePoint poweshell under Administrator Account

2.  Navigate to the package folder 

2.  Run powershell commands

Add-SPSolution “Your WSP Location”\”Your WSP Name”.wsp.
Install-SPSolution –Identity "WSP Name".wsp –WebApplication "Site Url" –GACDeployment

Example code for License Manager

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell

$appFeatures = "1c4e7c28-1e30-4c09-a614-6e86c380fad4","053d6e16-08c0-49f7-bc22-84885c96a62f"

$centralAdmin = Get-SPWebApplication -includecentraladministration | where {$_.DisplayName -eq "SharePoint Central Administration v4"} | select Url

# Unistall commands 

function remove {
    echo "Uninstalling $package ...";
    $sln = Get-SPSolution -Identity "$package"
    If($sln.JobExists) {
        echo "Job already exists for $package ...";
        Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity "$package"  -Confirm: $false
            echo "Retraction in progress"
            start-sleep -s 3
        Remove-SPSolution -Identity "$package" -Force  -Confirm: $false


#Uncomment code bellow to remove package installed

#Install commands
Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath "$dist$package"
Install-SPSolution -Identity "$package" -GACDeployment  -Force -Confirm: $false
$sln = Get-SPSolution -Identity "$package"
    echo "Deploying in progress"
    start-sleep -s 3
#Activate Features on site collections
foreach ($feature in $appFeatures){
    Enable-SPFeature -identity $feature -Url $centralAdmin.Url -Force -Confirm:$false